Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Birth Preparation Class

My mom suggested that I take a Birth Preparation Class to better prepare myself. Apparently Rome Kanapi, Chiqui Brosas, and Betty and Manny San Luis hold the most popular classes. Their classes cost P4,000-5,000. Not cheap at all, the reason why I almost decided not to go. But I figured that I will never have the will or patience to go through all the books I need to read to feel confident about giving birth, so I figured it was just another investment for Baby's benefit. I will be too far along for Rome's classes that I might not complete the whole thing, while Chiqui's classes are held in Makati, which is too far from our house. We reserved a slot in Betty and Manny's Birth Basics Workshop in Quezon City. I was hesitant at first because unlike Rome and Chiqui's classes, there are very few reviews online regarding the workshop. But I think we were really meant to attend this class. 

It was a great experience, probably the best P4,000 I spent for Baby. We learned so much from the class, even if it was just for one whole day, unlike the other classes which are spread out over 4-6 Saturdays/Sundays. Betty and Manny talked from experience, and that gave the class a homey feel. We learned the basics on how to prepare my body, mind, and spirit for giving birth, and on Husband's role in the preparation. Husband and I particularly learned a lot about the stages of labor, and how to decide when to go to the hospital after contractions start. 

More than the basics, the workshop brings out the protective side in husbands. My husband is a typical athletic guy. He would rather be under the sun, running or biking, rather than attending a workshop from 8am-6pm on a Saturday. He even joked in front of the class that his motivation for being there was being forced by me to attend. Haha. 

Honestly, I was afraid I was going to have to force him to participate in the activities. Surprisingly, he did everything with as much enthusiasm as the other husbands. We danced, made drawings, did exercises, wrote love letters, as if we've done all of it many times before. I was so touched, and still am, by how supportive he was.  I give the credit to Betty & Manny open and sincere manner of facilitating the workshop. Husband is even more protective of me and Baby now, and applying most of the tips Manny gave. Specifically, he talks to Baby more often to make sure Baby becomes familiar with his voice. 

Most of all, the best thing I gained from the workshop is the confidence to give birth. My body was built for this and as long as I give it my best try, I trust that everything will be fine with God's grace. 

I highly recommend for all moms to attend the class, or any other birth preparation class for that matter. Even if some things that were discussed end up not to be applicable, like if I end up giving birth via C section, just for changing my and Husband's outlook about pregnancy and Baby, it was well worth every peso.

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